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Forum Signature Information

All forum posts are automatically associated with a large avatar image, which is shown on the left side of the page, and a forum user name, which is linked to a full forum profile which includes the user's chosen URL, description, and other promotional details. BellaOnline provides ample ways in which a user can show an image with every post and link to full details with every post.

Because of this, BellaOnline has fairly strict guidelines on what the forum signature area can hold. This is because many of our users on BellaOnline still use dial-up machines. We realize that other sites draw in mostly US visitors who have high speed computers and super-fast connections. BellaOnline serves a different audience. Many of our visitors come from quiet, rural countries like Argentina or Ukraine. Many of our users only have access to very slow computers and to dial up modem connections. They praise us as being one of the only places they can reliably get help with their important needs of feeding their families and keeping their children in school. We take this responsibility very seriously, and we want to ensure that we are not filling our forums with unnecessary, system-slowing graphics and files which will prevent our users from getting the information they need.

Only One URL
A visitor post to the BellaOnline forums can only contain one URL per post - and the visitor only earns that right after they have established their standing within our forum system. We do not allow brand new users to post ANY URLs to ensure they are not spammers. Only after a visitor has been with us for a while do we allow them to make ONE website recommendation per post. That URL can be in their signature or in the post itself, but not in both locations. The URL can never be an affiliate link or other for-cash promotion.

Please note the exception to this rule: BellaOnline moderator accounts may have up to three external links for single-site editors, or four external links for two-site editors. BellaOnline editors are all volunteers - they are not paid for their efforts - and these links are part of their thank-you. Even for editors, these links cannot be affiliate links. They need to be links to their BellaOnline websites or other content websites.

No Graphics
Each user has - with every post they make - an avatar which accompanies the post. That graphic lets them show their face, their home landscape, or whatever else they wish to present an image of. We do not allow additonal images in the signature area because this would become redundant and an incredible slowing drag on our dial-up members. Signatures must be text only.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our signature policy!

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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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