
Body Image
Your weight is something, but it´s not everything. Health, fitness, and balance is more important than the numbers on the scale. What are you doing to achieve overall health in your life?

Be Your Child's Body Image Role Model star
Your children look to you to learn about body image. Are you being a good role model? Here are some suggestions to becoming a better example for your family.

Lose Weight by Falling In Love star
Do you remember the feeling of falling in love? You had butterflies in your stomach. You began to anticipate and day dream about the next time you'd see your sweetheart? Nothing else mattered. Eating, daily chores and work were the furthest from your mind…

Mindful Eating vs. Dieting star
Making food choices based on what you need both emotionally and physically is the foundation of mindful eating. Enjoying your food and slowing down are two tips which will help you eat healthfully without counting calories.

Weight Gain and Clothing star
Gaining weight, as little as 10 pounds, can push you right out of your clothing. Go ahead and face this distressful state. Deal with it in a way that will restore your sense of peace and self-respect rather than continuing to grow right out of the next size. You are in charge, not your pants.

Why Being Overweight May Not Be Your Fault star
Anyone who is overweight knows that losing weight is not a matter of motivation. If you asked anyone who knows me if they thought I was a motivated person, they would give you an emphatic “yes”. My brother-in-law calls me the “energizer bunny”, yet my weight has fluctuated throughout my life.

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Eliminating a Body Type

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