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Personal Miscarriage Stories

These are personal stories emailed to me by readers. If you would like to have yours included here, email me at miscarriage@bellaonline.com.

A Perspective on Afterwards star
Pregnancy and infant loss can be devastating but it can also nudge you into doing great things.

Angel of Hope Ceremony star
I finally attended a ceremony at my local Angel of Hope memorial and found it to be very worthwhile.

Anger After Miscarriage star
It can be frustrating to be angry about your miscarriage, yet feel you have no one you can legitimately be angry at.

Be Honest With Yourself After Miscarriage star
It's important to be honest with ourselves about our feelings after miscarriage.

Bethenny Frankel Talks About Her Miscarriage star
The July 2012 edition of Glamour magazine has a candid interview with author, chef and talk show host Bethenny Frankel about her miscarriage.

Changes in Grief Over Time star
Grief after a miscarriage or other loss may never go completely away but the texture of that grief may change over time.

Compassion of Medical Professionals star
Compassion for patiens ought to be part of a medical professional's training. Despite the incidence of miscarriage, some medical professionals still handle it badly.

Feeling Grumpy After Miscarriage star
If you've had a miscarriage you may be feeling seriously grumpy when other people talk about babies.

Finding My Voice Again star
I had stopped writing about miscarriage for a while, wondering if my words were resonating with anyone. After a step back, I've realized it's important to keep writing. What do you want to know more about?

Finding Unlikely Inspiration star
If you've had a miscarriage it's good to look for people who can give you hope. Sometimes you find them in unlikely places.

Grief Ambush star
Just when you think you're doing better the grief of miscarriage can take you by surprise.

Having the Number of Kids You Wanted star
Miscarriage can make you deal with a lot of emotions you;d rather not. I find myself envying women who have exactly the number of children they wanted.

Incomplete Families star
Miscarriage can rob you of the sense that you're building the family you envisioned.

Learn From Miscarriage star
As much as miscarriage can be awful, it can teach us things as well.

Lonely Miscarriage Advocacy star
Advocacy, especially of pregnancy and infant loss awareness can be a lonely thing, yet even only reaching on other person can be significant.

Miscarriage and Real Beauty star
Having a miscarriage (or suffering some other loss) can help us understand that real beauty is seldom something we can see.

Miscarriage Awareness star
Breast Cancer awarenss month has just finished. Will we ever have an entire month devoted to pregnancy and infant loss awareness?

My Miscarriage Wish List star
The holidays are approaching soon. Here's what I hope for women who've experienced miscarriage.

Nuturing Compassion for Miscarriages star
As a culture we are wonderfully supportive of pregnancy but when a miscarriage happens we seem to lose our compassion.

Of Miscarriage and Makeovers star
Makeover contests are everywhere but be careful if you've had a miscarriage. You may be trying to change the wrong things.

Other People's Babies star
If yoou've had a miscarriage, dealing with other people's babies can be difficult.

Other People's Guilt After Miscarriage star
You might feel guilty after a miscarriage but other people's guilt can be especially challenging.

Random Acts of Kindness star
A random act of kindness can make you feel much better even if you grieving. It doesn't matter if you're on the giving or receiving end.

Singing to Change Your Mood star
Singing might just be one of the best froms of free therapy around especially if you're depressed after a miscarriage.

Thanks For Not Flinching star
Why is it so tough to have a conversation about miscarriage without people getting really uncomfortable?

The Dreaded Baby Aisle star
Everybody has something which scares them. The baby aisle scares me.

Thoughts from Suzanne on Miscarriage star
My friend Suzanne had some interesting thoughts related to miscarriage and the Superbowl.

What I Learned From Miscarriage star
While they can be traumatic, miscarriage and infant loss can also teach us things.

Where's the Compassion star
Compassion toward one another is important especially after a miscarriage.

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How does a miscarriage look like at 3 weeks?
Not sure if I miscarried... please help!
Failed Relationship and Miscarriage of an 18 yrold

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