Controversies / News

This subject combines birding with environmental news and controversies.

Are There Careers in Birding? star
Are there careers in birding? There are, but they are not to everyone's taste, and they are not easy to get. This is the author's tale of her attempt to be a professional birder, and some links to birding jobs.

Barred Owl Debacle star
Final ruling by the USFWS imminent in the proposed shooting of almost 4000 Barred Owls as an experiment purported to 'save' Northern Spotted Owls.

Bird News- Good and Bad star
Is July 2010 a bad time to be a bird? At least there is some good news to report (maybe)

Bird News: Good and Bad star
Is July 2010 a bad time to be a bird? At least there is some good news to report (maybe)

Birder Diversity--A Crisis? star
Birding is a mostly Caucasian hobby. Is this something we should worry about?

Birder Who Loves Cats star
Opinion piece by the editor critical of the position taken against stray cats by some birding organizations

Birds and Reptiles--one and the same? star
Some scientists consider birds to be reptiles. Does this make sense?

Black Duck- Mallard Hybrids star
Black ducks and mallards hybridize rather frequently. This article explains why

Buzzards and Swallows Return? star
The buzzards are returning to Ohio, and the swallows to Capistrano. The festivals are planned, but will the guests of honor show up?

Gay Birds star
A zoo in Germany was picketed the other day when they separated a same-sex vulture couple. But this is not the time birds built a nest with a member of the same sex.

Gay Birds 2--The Sequel star
Research shows that same sex bird couples behave similarly to opposite sex bird couples, at least when they are caged together.

Is It a Bird or a Bat? star
What's that small flying animal heading towards your head at dusk? Chances are, it's not a bird but a bat.

Killing Barred Owls star
Killing Barred Owls in the name of science and salvation has already begun in the Pacific Northwest. A beautiful bird, under assault for being... well, a bird.

Killing Barred Owls - The Big Lie star
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...”

Killing Barred Owls - Who Are The Players? star
Who, working in concert with the USFWS, proposed and relentlessly propounded this unscientific and unfounded practice of killing a native raptor without evidence or a proper trial?

Lumping and Splitting star
Birds are always being reclassified into different species, subspecies and races, making birding sometimes very confusing

Mass Killing of Canada Geese star
A necessary evil? Or just evil?

Monk Parakeets-America's Only Parrot star
Escaped monk parakeets (also known as Quaker parrots) have established colonies all over the United States. Love 'em or hate 'em, they sure are cute. And they're the only parrot you're likely to see in the wild in the United States.

New Zealand Bird Hoax star
New Zealand farmer fined for spray painting birds, of all things. Is he a birder bully?

Pest Birds on Trial star
In this article, three unpopular birds' "crimes" are described, and a verdict is passed. The birds are Canada Geese, Starlings and Pigeons

Pishing for Birds star
What is pishing, and should you do it?

Return of the Osprey star
After years on the endangered list, ospreys are making a comeback. They're everywhere, including generators and city parks.

Robins and Worms: The Sequel star
Do robins really use their sense of hearing to find worms? Some disagree. Let's hear what the experts have to say.

Some Good Bird News (For Once) star
We've got some good news to report in the bird world. The corncrakes populations are up, and the missing swans from Orlando are back home

Spotted Owls - S.O.S. star
Spotted Owls are increasingly under attack (even and especially from their purported protectors). They need our help quickly.

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