Lynne Chapman
The Bible says Jesus prays for me. What does he pray?
The Bible says Jesus prays for me. What does he pray?
The Bible tells us that God establishes all governing authorities. Rebelling against them is rebelling against what God has instituted.
Have you looked into a mirror lately? Are you happy with what you see? Maybe no, but friends, take heart. God is in the process of making each of us more beautiful.
Why do people seek Jesus? What motivates a person to take the first step toward Christ? A contemplation about Matthew 16.
I confess. I love fiction, and mysteries are my favorite. The problem is that it’s getting difficult to find a good mystery that isn’t built around adults-only themes.
Examining 1 Peter 3:12 and looking back on my year.
Saved by grace through faith. Not of my own doing.
I'm studying the memory verse Romans 12:2, for an understanding of God's will for me.
Hallelujah is a popular expression of joy and thanksgiving. What does it really mean?