Dragon's Dogma Review

Dragon's Dogma Review
Dragon's Dogma is a D&D style adventure game set in a massive landscape, with a variety of classes available. It is quite immersive and fun.

Dragon's Dogma Review You get a variety of character classes to play with - all the usuals, fighters, rangers, mages, archers, and so on. You also get not only a helper but also you "borrow" helpers from other online players. Each helper has their own skills, and often watching your helpers do things is so inspiring that it encourages you to then start a fresh character with the new skills. I.e. you're rarely content with just one pass through the game. You want to keep playing with fresh characters, to try all the combinations out.

Your combat with creatures is immensely fun. You can target certain body parts for various reactions. The creatures have their own personalities. The landscape, too, has its looks and moods and cycles. There are a variety of quests, plus you can just roam around and explore. There are storyline quests, side quests, bulletin board quests. you name it.

Yes, the graphics aren't stellar. That's OK. When you're deep into the world, you're not too concerned about the perfection of the flower petals. You're busy focusing on the monster you're slaying and how you'll stay alive.

I'll note we had ALL sorts of problems with this game crashing, and we did buy a brand new copy of the game so it wasn't used or a rental. We tried cleaning our PS3 and even taking it completely apart. Other games weren't having this problem. So it was the old adage of save early, save often with this.

Still the game was so much fun that we didn't mind (much). We'd just start up again, head back in, and get sucked in for more hours of gameplay.

Highly recommended, if you enjoy D&D adventure style games. There's a lot here to keep you engaged.

We purchased this game with our own funds in order to do this review.

Buy Dragon's Dogma from Amazon.com

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